Version 2 is here! Huge Catalog, Estimating, and Mobile Improvements

Aug 31, 2024

One frequently heard challenge our customers have is not having enough time to estimate jobs — particularly large projects. With ConGenius 2.0, you now have a huge library of preloaded data to make your job easier!

For the past 6 months are team has been hard at work in building the best version of ConGenius to date. Version 2.0 includes 457 improvements, bug fixes, and new features.


Now introducing over 200k Home Depot parts to your "Catalog"!

  • Search and add Home Depot items directly to your estimate

  • All new assembly builder

  • Browse the "ConGenius Catalog" to find preloaded Labor Rates, Subcontractor Rates, Equipment Rates, and Assembly Templates

  • Drag and drop items and folders for faster organization

  • Your catalog will be organized by item type, "Material, Labor, Assembly, Subcontractor, Equipment, and Other"

Copy Existing Projects

As one of our most requested features we now have the ability to Copy Existing Projects This added feature allows you to use previously created projects as templates for similar future projects!


New Estimate Workflow & Steps

  1. "Sections" - add your estimate sections or skip to start adding "Items"

  2. "Items" - add your line items and set quantities to figure your project costs

  3. "Markup" - set your markup, sales tax, fees & discounts to figure your "Customer Cost"

  4. "Preview" - specify the level of detail you want to show your customer on your estimate

  • Browse and add items from your "Catalogs" on the right

  • Drag items from the catalog on the right

ConGenius Catalog

Gain access to national averages and prebuilt assembly templates to eliminate the data entry required to estimating in ConGenius

Preloaded Labor Rates

Find national averages for labor rates, pre-markup

Assembly Templates

Find hundreds of prebuilt assembly templates and customize for your costs

Preloaded Subcontractor Rates

Find national averages for subcontractors with average markup rates applied

Preloaded Equipment Rates

Use preloaded equipment rates for faster estimating

Send Proposals

  • "Set pages as default" for future projects, saving your preferred proposal pages for future projects


  • Updated mobile navigation

  • All new "Project Home"

  • Updated "Dashboard"

Send Proposals

  • Find quick videos on how to leverage ConGenius on our Youtube Channel

  • You can also find our Help Center at


As you can see there are a lot of new features with this release, as always, if you find anything that isn't working or you are having issues with, please don't hesitate to reach out to, or chat us through the app.

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